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Members Muse with Zoe Freer

Wednesday 19th July / 18.00 - 19.30

Woolfox Workshop

Members only

inspire – engage – discover 

M E M B E R S    M U S E


Once a month, we invite a Member to share their business, craft or story within our Woolfox community.

This month Zoe has come forward to share her expertise on Clarins beauty.


5    S T E P S   T O   S U M M E R   S K I N    A N D    M A K E – U P    

Zoe will talk you through 5 simple steps to summer skincare and makeup with a beauty school inspired workshop.

With a G&T on arrival, we invite you to have a go and learn the basics behind beautiful summer skin with Clarins.

What to bring:

A mirror

A notebook and pen

Headband or hairband

Each Member will receive a mini makeup gift set and an invitation to book an express skin service with Clarins.


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